Jet-Black Hot Asphalt Repairs
Many Jet-Black locations offer premium HOT ASPHALT REPAIR services, including sunken apron replacements. Why use hot asphalt? Standard cold patch materials are porous, soft, and sticky, and simply do not have the durability of real hot asphalt.
APRON REPLACEMENTS are needed when the asphalt sinks or develops holes where it meets the concrete at the garage. These holes often go into the garage foundation making the repair a necessity. See below…
SAW-CUT REPAIRS can be completed in a similar fashion to apron replacements anywhere on your driveway or parking lot to remove and replace damaged asphalt.
OVERLAY REPAIRS are appropriate in certain situations and are a cheaper option. However, overlays can be ‘patchy’ looking and generally have a shorter lifespan.
Why apron replacements are important
The garage foundation generally sits under this area and can be degraded by water, salt, and freeze/thaw shifting and eventually cause foundation collapse if not repaired. If you see deep holes along the asphalt/concrete junction, the apron replacement becomes not only desirable, but necessary. If there are one or two holes, it is likely only a matter of time before they all open up. These holes go into the block foundation, which is why they are so deep, and can not be properly repaired without a complete apron replacement. The sunken/damaged asphalt must be cut out and removed so the holes and rock base can be properly repaired. Overlays do not solve the root of the problem.