Commercial Asphalt Maintenance
Sealcoating - Crackfilling - Line Striping - Repairs
Protect your Investment!
Commercial Sealcoating
Regular sealcoating can more than double the lifetime of your asphalt parking lot and give it an impressive fresh appearance along the way. Be careful though! Not all sealants are created equal and not all contractors are trustworthy. Jet-Black carries the highest quality sealant possible with the perfect mix of the best additives for your climate. Jet-Black’s industrial grade sealer will slow the damaging oxidation from the sun, prevent water penetration and improve appearance.
Premium Crackfilling & Patchwork
Nothing destroys asphalt faster than unprotected cracks. Cracks turn into potholes and potholes turn into liability concerns and the eventual need for complete asphalt replacement, with a high price tag attached. Jet-Black’s industrial grade hot rubber crackfiller will remain pliable in harsh winter temperatures and resist splitting and further degradation. Do not cut corners with ‘budget’ crackfillers.
Hot asphalt patchwork (pothole repairs) and paving repairs are offered by select Jet-Black locations.
Line Striping & ADA Compliance
Your parking lot is the very first thing visitors see. First impressions do matter and we can help you create a positive image by keeping your parking lot safe, easy to navigate, clearly marked and inviting. Take a close look at your property. What first impression does your parking lot make?
Is your parking lot ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant? It is the law! Eliminate significant legal liability concerns and provide a safe and convenient parking lot environment for your customers.

Asphalt Doesn’t Age Gracefully
The appearance and condition of your parking lot is a reflection of your business and quality of your overall property. Regular maintenance can greatly extend the life of your asphalt and impress your visitors.
Be careful who you choose! Jet-Black is trusted and qualified, completing over 500,000 jobs since 1987. We are the top ranked asphalt maintenance company by Entrepreneur Magazine in 2024 and had an average 4.8 Star rating on Google in 2023 on over 1000 reviews.